Monday, 27 February 2012

Flowers, glorious flowers..

February is almost at an end, and I already predict an on-going obsession with flowers is set to develop throughout March. Not just on clothes (which I undoubtedly have a fixation with), but as subjects for photographs and decoration. It shouldn’t be long before the daffodils bloom, which was always a big thing when I was young, because my school was just above a bank that was covered in them by springtime. I’d almost forgotten how nostalgic a subject they could be, but then I remembered the days of making daisy chains, and drawing flower upon flower because it was the only thing you knew you could draw well. Valentines has also made bouquets of flowers hard to escape, which has undoubtedly fuelled my craving for all things floral.

Admittedly I am very much a winter girl, I love frosty mornings and cosy layered clothing (in fact overly warm weather makes me feel uncomfortable and lethargic). However, if there is one thing that can spur me on into the spring/summer months it’s a pretty floral pattern. 

Sunday, 26 February 2012

awkward introductions

So I should probably just address one issue, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. Okay, now that’s out of the way..
Are you meant to introduce yourself on these things? Granted, I could have done more research on how to start a blog, but it’s been one of those things I’ve been “meaning to do” for too long. Maybe I’ve thrown myself in at the deep end, but there we go. Lots of pictures and rants to come. x